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Training Quadrupeds to Walk via Evolution Strategies and Sinusoidal Activation Functions

This project in the field of robotics demonstrates the application of a neural network that uses the sinusoidal activation function for the task of perturbed walking. The usage of such networks is analysed. Furthermore, the most common local minima and the methods of resolving them are presented. The small number of neurons allows the network to be deployed on a…

15 de July de 2021

Towards detecting state-of-the-art deepfakes

Deep learning, while able to solve complex problems, is likewise capable of creating technologies that threaten privacy, democracy, and national security. One of these technologies is the ability to create images or videos that humans cannot distinguish from authentic media. Such generated media are termed ‘deepfakes’. While methods of automatic deepfake detection exist, current methods are unsuitable for deployment at…

19 de July de 2021

Threat of Mosquito-borne Disease Spread in Liepaja linked to climate change and other factors

Mosquito-borne diseases such as Tularaemia, Sindbis virus, Dengue fever, Zika virus, Yellow fever and Malaria are spread from endemic countries to other parts of the world and climate change might be one of the main causes of this phenomenon. Research highlights that climate change is not the only factor contributing to the spread of these diseases. The study analyzes the…

The Self-sorting Recycling Bin

The project covers the topic of automatic sorting, and in order to showcase this in a useful real-world application we have chosen to direct our attention towards building a self-sorting recycling bin that can help solve the problem of waste-pollution. Here the idea is to use a Machine Learning algorithm analyzing sound in order to distinguish and thereby sort waste…

16 de July de 2021

The Role of ARTS in Stem Cell Apoptosis: Identifying a Novel Compound for Regenerative Medicine and Disease Therapies

Although much is known regarding stem cell (SC) self-renewal and differentiation, the specific mechanisms used for their elimination is still unclear. One key pro-apoptotic protein is ARTS. We showed that the absence of ARTS in mice protected intestinal stem cells from apoptosis (cellular suicide), which prevented radiation-induced cell death, as well as enhanced regeneration. We also identified a novel compound…


To maximise the efficiency of antibiotics, working against the proliferation of harmful bacteria, the chemical “clavulanic acid” has been introduced to the medical industry working alongside penicillin branches to prevent bacterial resistance. But, after research, it is evident that its impacts are detrimental to bacteria that present a mutualistic relationship with the human body,such as the ones in the gut…

19 de July de 2021

The Effects of Flame Retardants on Microorganisms in the Marine Environment

Flame retardants (FRs) are often used in extinguishing forest fires. However, their ecological consequences are often overlooked. After use, FRs wash into nearby drainage basins. They contain biologically available nutrients to marine microbes and may disrupt the food web. FRs may affect relations between microbes and disrupt the system’s balance due to different absorption rates between species. These effects are…

The effect of smoking cannabis and smoking cannabis and tobacco combined on forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in one second of 18-year-old males

Adolescents represent a considerable percentage of cannabis users, but the effect of smoking on their pulmonary function has not yet been investigated. Therefore, I decided to compare forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) of cannabis smokers with combined cannabis and tobacco smokers and control group of non-smokers, all participants being 18-year-old males. In previous…

The Effect of Oxidative Stress Genes on the Response to Anti-TNF Therapy in Patients with Crohns’ Disease

Oxidative stress is defined as a disruption of the balance between production of reactive oxygen species and the body’s ability to fight them off. They contribute to many autoimmune diseases, which have in the past been treated with anti-TNF therapy using inhibitors of said cytokine. So far, research has shown, that anti-TNF therapy lowers oxidative stress in patients with Crohn’s…

The dynamic effect of oxytocin treatment on autistic-like behaviors in a genetic model of autism

“Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous condition with no efficient treatment targeting its core symptoms available. This project aimed to investigate the dynamic changes in long-term effect of a subchronic intranasal oxytocin (0.8 IU/kg) treatment during the treatment period and after its termination in the Shank3 deficient mouse model of autism. Our results indicate prosocial and anxiolytic effects of…

20 de July de 2021

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